[Store News] BigTees Australia and the Corona Virus Update

[Store News] BigTees Australia and the Corona Virus Update

An update regarding the current situation with the Corona Virus in regards to our business operation. We are an Australian family based business with a small warehouse in the Northern Beaches of Sydney, run entirely by family members. Our warehouse is not a retail store, so we generally don't have/allow walk-in customers and certainly will not be having them during this pandemic. As such, we can continue to ship out orders worldwide as long as postal services are running.

In the warehouse we are:

  • Regularly hand washing.
  • Disinfecting all surfaces daily.
  • Not allowing outside visitors.

In general, family members are staying home as much as possible to avoid exposure to the virus.

Regarding the supply chain:

  • So far, no suppliers are reporting lengthy delays in product supplies and our main suppliers are operating much as we are.
  • We don't import direct from China or other countries where freight is blocked/delayed.

Change to Operating Hours: We are normally at the warehouse Monday-Friday and ship many orders out the same or next-day, however if need-be during this pandemic, we will reduce the days we ship out orders to Monday, Wednesday and Friday to further limit our exposure to the virus.

Thank you for your continued support during this time, this business is our  livelihood, it keeps a roof over our heads and we are doing our very best to continue to serve you during this unique period in our shared living history.

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